CGBA Members Tour of PROTEAS Solar Research Facility

CGBA members were treated to an incredibly interesting presentation and tour of the PROTEAS Solar Research Facility in Pentakomo on the 23rd of May. A very special thanks goes out to Marios C. Georgiou and Nestor Fylaktos for their insights into all the projects they are undertaking.


The PROTEAS Facility is the largest research infrastructure in Cyprus. It’s devoted to research, development and testing of Renewable Energy Sources with emphasis on Concentrating Solar Thermal (CST), Thermal Energy Storage (TES) and thermal Desalination of Sea Water (DSW) for bridging the gap between fundamental research and industry needs.


Feedback from the morning was very positive and members expressed their great respect for the important projects which are being carried out. Thanks also goes to The Cyprus Institute for their hospitality and helping us arrange such interesting visits for our members.



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